Sunday, November 29, 2009

Portrait study using various filter-effects

Filter-effects may be applied to one of several layers in an image to achieve widely different results.

Overlay > Garden of Delights

Overlay Garden of Delights

Non Realistic Shaders > ComicNon Realistic Shaders Comic

Image Effects > Oil PaintingImage Effects Oil Painting

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Watercolor painting of a Pyrex bowl and saucer

pyrex bowl and saucer
There are approximately sixteen gradient shapes in this painting of a Pyrex bowl and saucer. I started with a simple drawing comprised of a couple of partially sketched lines as an outline. Then, beginning with the lowest layer and working forward, I drew various shaped-gradients and applied the vertical motion blur filter effect to each of the shapes. This left translucent and transparent areas in the shapes, through which the lower layer peeked.

The light on the rims and the sides of the bowl and saucer, for example, are merely not shaded at all. The clean edges of the gradient shapes at the top of each gradient shape provide the contrast necessary for the eye to "see" the edges of the bowl and and of the saucer although these are not actually drawn -- merely sketched, and not sketched completely.

The vertical motion blur filter effect simulates a wash, as if the brush stroke began clean at the top and ran out of material near the bottom of the effect. The vertical motion blur filter works really well in Inkscape paintings that are meant to simulate water color shades and materials.

SVG source in XML format is available on Google docs.

Watercolor collection

A collection of my experiments to affect a watercolor painting style using the two-dimensional, Inkscape drawing software.

iced coffee

forest floor
Light on pine forest floor

watercolor-style painting of a river gorge

A river in the mountains of of the American West

Inkscape filter effect for Web bullets and badges

My favorite Inkscape 0.47 filter effect for Web buttons, bullets and badges is "stained glass."
stained-glass icons

Below are some other examples of filter effects applied to the same shapes, for comparison.


The background gradient is a gradient blend. The technique for achieving this effect is described elsewhere in this blog. It is not built into Inkscape like the filters used to create these examples.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Inkscape watercolor violets

More watercolor experiments using Inkscape 0.47 filters and brushes on a rough, quick sketch.

Inkscape watercolor violets

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Watercolor Flower

More filter-effects experiments.
Two brush tools were used in this painting: wiggly and brush.
Different widths and transparencies were set also: wider and more translucent for pastels and thinner darker contrasting colors in the foreground.

I am not happy with the foregorund, so this painting still needs work.